PHP magic constants

PHP program name=/home/www/
PHP programname=/home/www/
PHP file name=/home/www/
PHP filename=/home/www/

PHP program name

well to get the PHP file name the user clicked on use this code
echo "file=$filename";
And bingo the file name is displayed

Path to PHP program name

To get the path to the PHP file name the user clicked on use this code
echo $filenamepath;
And bingo the path to the filename is displayed
To get an array of the sub-directorys down to your program name use this PHP code
and this is the array you will get

PHP function or subroutine name

To get the name of the PHP function your in use this code
echo "this functions name is ".$functionname."()";
echo "this functions name is ";
echo __FUNCTION__."()";
And when we run it the output looks like this
this functions name is foo()
this functions name is foo()

PHP line number

To get the current line number of the PHP code use this
PHP line number=112
PHP linenumber=113

PHP class and PHP method

And for object oriented stuff use these
echo "PHP name of class of object=".__CLASS__."";
echo "PHP name of object function=".__METHOD__;
Here is the object stuff at work
PHP name of class of object=
PHP name of object function=