Left Section Left Stuff x x x x Left Stuff x x x x Left Stuff x x x x Left Stuff x x x x Left Stuff x x x x Left Stuff x x x x Left Stuff x x x x
Right Section more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r more right stuff r r r
4th Column????? I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . . I added this 4th column . . .
Content Section

This is a LIQUID page and everything is defined in percents of page width.

I stole the 3 column code from this web page and modified it to display 4 columns.

Again the height is still defined in PIXELS so I suspect it will float OK until the text is longer then the height. But still it works pretty well.

Here is what they say about the code

I made this page on my own so they didnt say ANYTHING about it!!!
5th Column????? Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!! Si! El Cinco!!!!