This <DIV> code is supposed to replace the TABLE code in div5.html. This is the CSS text I am using layout2.css.

This code is based on this example example.

I think I understand what they are trying to do but I am having problems with it and can't get it to work!

Perhaps I set up the style sheets correctly.

The error i have to fix is the two <DIV>'s that follow. They are printing with one DIV on top of the other. To fix the error they should be printing witht the first DIV on the LEFT and the second DIV just to the LEFT of the first DIV. Ask somebody how to make that HTML work and I will have mastered DIV's

In a nutshell the code looks like this

<div id="container">
    <div id=" title">Left TEXT</div>
    <div id="content">Right TEXT</div>
Last it should end up making a table that looks like this where the names in the table are the from the id=xxx in the prior DIV tags
   title       content   

The misbehaving DEV code follows

Inside first DIV but not in the 2 embedded DIV's
Title Title Title Title Title Title Title left text should be here left text should be here
content content content content content content right text should be here right text should be here
Stuff after 2 embedded DIV's